Finding Motivation to Get Started

01 — Refocus and prioritize your time to better achieve your goals.

Have you noticed that you are late to everything and rushing to make sure you make appointments? Your perception of time may be skewed. How you look at time may change how you look at your overall goals. No matter how big or small, you may need to re-evaluate your goals so that you regain the motivation and achieve them.

02 — You can grow and move forward once you understand your past.

Emotions are very overwhelming at times and they may take over your life if you have not addressed some past issues or disheartening events. If you run from your past you will stay there until you are ready to work though them. You may not be ready now, but you will get there.

03 — Learn to take accountability for your actions by evaluating your options.

Does everything you do or accomplish leaving you feel empty and not satisfied? Does happiness seep out of your pockets? Give yourself the opportunity to explore reward differently.

04 — Who’s in control of your emotions, you or others? Stop people pleasing.

Do you always feel obligated to please and feel guilty for not doing enough for others? This is not a habit it’s an internal response to childhood patterns.

05 — The process of change and growth takes time and patience. So take off your shoes and your belongings and sit down.

Have you noticed that you spend more time criticizing vs. rewarding yourself. You may want to re-look at who’s your guiding companion and work on developing a friendlier and more compassionate one.


Awareness Skills and Techniques

Guided Meditation


Guided Imagery

Relationship with

Yourself + Others

If you are unsure as to whether we are a good fit or what you would like from therapy. This consultation session may help you to understand what services are offered with New Horizons and you can determine if that is what you would like to continue forward with.